Here are some brief instructions for stuff that I can never remember how to do.


Screen and Power Management

System Misc




Display Servers

Changing GUI Theme in I3

Most programs seem to take their GUI settings from ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini. This settings here are referencing some stuff in ~/.config but mostly from /usr/share/themes. This is expected to contain a bunch of theme directories each of which has a shitload of settings for all sorts of different GUI programs.

Refer to dracula-gtk for a comprehensive example of what this should look like. My installer clones this directory when doing install(Programs.gtk) as sudo.

Multiple different GUI programs are used to set GUI settings in different contexts:

Most of these seem to ultimately take the cues from ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini so I think that in some cases this is all that's needed.

All-In-One Scripts

You can write a script in a language other than bash and make it executable. For example

exec julia --project --startup-file=no -q --compile=min -O0 "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" "$@"
println("what up!")

gives minimal latency for Julia (short of actually compiling a binary).