
This package provides a Julia interface to the i3 window manager.


I hope to register this package soon, but in the meantime, you can do


or do ]add https://gitlab.com/ExpandingMan/I3.jl in the REPL.

Presumably if you want to use this you already have i3 installed. In principle this package can be used regardless of whether i3 is running, but it won't do you much good unless you have an active i3 session.


You will likely find I3.command to be the most useful function. This executes i3 commands as they would appear in the config or via the i3-msg command.

I3.command("focus right")  # focus window to the right

A list of valid i3 command can be found here.


Aliases are available for many common commands

I3.focus("right")  # focuses the window to the right
I3.focus(class="firefox")  # focus container running firefox

I3.exec("julia", no_startup_id=true)  # start up Julia without binding to current workspace

I3.split("vertical")  # split the current window vertically

I3.fullscreen()  # toggle fullscreen on current window

I3.mark("test_container")  # mark the current container

I3.unmark()  # unmark current container

I3.config()  # fetch the currently loaded config

I3.reload()  # reload config

I3.restart()  # restart i3

I3.exit()  # exit i3

Most functions also accept an I3.Connection as the first argument, allowing you to specify a non-default i3 session connection.

Inspecting the Tree

This package also offers some helpful introspection tools. To get a list of outputs do


This will provide a list of Julia data structures describing the outputs.

Similarly, you can get a list of workspace data structures by doing


You can get the i3 session tree by doing

t = I3.tree()

I3.children(t)  # get immediate children of tree root node

I3.leaves(t)  # get all leaves of i3 tree

I3.descendants(t)  # get all descendants of i3 tree

I3.descendants()  # same as above, calling tree() when called

You may find QuickMenus.jl useful id looking for specific nodes of the tree.

For example

I3.descendants(t) |> collect |> fzf

will bring up an fzf dialog for selecting a node.

The descendants function optionally accepts a filter function. This can be used to obtain lists of windows with specific properties. For example

using I3: descendants, iswindow, isnormalwindow

descendants(iswindow)  # roughly speaking, these are all things that are visible when their workspace is

descendants(isnormalwindow)  # same as above excluding toolbars, docks and notifications